Hosting Good for the Neighborhood at your site will help to awareness for health related issues in your community. Becoming a Good for the Neighborhood site helps connect members of the community with a wide range of health and community outreach professionals. These relationships will help to strengthen ties to community members and those who serve the community.
The Independent Health Foundation staff will work closely with you to help create programming that is meaningful and exciting for participants. The Good for the Neighborhood program collects and analyzes data to measure program success and areas for growth. This data along with participant feedback will be used to help make decisions on how best to meet the needs of your community members.
Typically Good for the Neighborhood is hosted at two types of sites: community centers and schools. Each location has unique needs and runs a bit differently. It is important to us that programming is created around the needs of each location and its participants. Independent Health Foundation will work closely with you to identify these needs and plan around them.
Community centers are one of the most popular locations for the Good for the Neighborhood program. Community focus and a loyal participant following make community centers a natural fit for the Good for the Neighborhood program. Hosting the Good for the Neighborhood program is beneficial because it keeps participants coming through the door for events and workshops helping to enhance the community's health and wellness focus. Community centers also offer a wide reach to community members, from families to senior citizens to refugee populations.
Good for the Neighborhood's family focus and kid-friendly approach to health and wellness make the program a great fit for schools. Each event offers a wide array of wellness resources for families who may not otherwise have access. The Good for the Neighborhood program offers engaging games and activities for children and adults that help them to be mindful of their health.
Nutrition and fitness workshops following each event are designed with families in mind. Children are encouraged to attend with a parent or guardian. These are high energy, engaging workshops that generally run about an hour.
Learn more about becoming at Good for the Neighborhood host site.
Complete the site application below.
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